Recent content by sri

  1. sri

    Highway assist worked on US-98 N Florida - Local Road

    Will try the route again :), hope there are more that i need to explore.
  2. sri

    Highway assist worked on US-98 N Florida - Local Road

    Any inputs?
  3. sri

    Highway assist worked on US-98 N Florida - Local Road

    Pardon my ignore if this was already discussed or if i am unaware. Today i am traveling on US-98 N in Florida and been tired activated Highway assist to maintain cruising. To my surprise Highway assist worked. I remember in the past i cannot activate Highway assist since this is a local road, i...
  4. sri

    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    Yes, got it last night for me 🙂
  5. sri

    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    Worked for me no issue.
  6. sri

    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    Did anyone in the forum received the update. Bob’s site doesn't show any info yet.
  7. sri

    Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

    Fixing code or enhancing code is always a best thing next to new futures. I am happy that Lucid is building a strong base then hurrying too much on infotainment that dont define my car :D
  8. sri

    Best car bed option for Lucid backseat

    Thank you, will look at this.
  9. sri

    Best car bed option for Lucid backseat

    I am looking for Car Bed for my Lucid GT. Trying to find what is the best product available for Lucid Air?
  10. sri

    A Change of Tune

    Now a days more and more influencers are talking about stuff which they really didnt try in person. Once they do, they will have a completely different view. But its highly unlikely they go back and accept their mistake and still continue to spread false propaganda. Really appreciate...
  11. sri

    Florida Lucid Owners Group

    Welcome, i am from Lakeland 🙂
  12. sri

    Insurance for less than 3 year license

    Try Progressive and also call StateFarm, they consider your international driving experience. No option to fill it via online quote.
  13. sri

    Excessively long boot up times

    This is not normal. Try Lucid logo restart.
  14. sri

    Car Software Update cadence

    Why my comment was deleted ☹️
  15. sri

    Unresponsive mobile key: Data Sharing has been diabled.

    Mobile key only works for one mobile for me. It works flawlessly on my wife's phone. It only works for me when i reinstall mine and uninstall her’s. And you know who finally keeps the working option 😅